Reviews & Articles
菲臘.哈密特那顛倒的世界 (The upside down world of Philippe Ramette)
Gerard HENRY
at 4:52pm on 14th May 2011

1. Balcon 2, 2001 (HK). ©Philippe Ramette. Color photograph. Photographer: Marc Domage. Courtesy of galerie xippas.
2. Irrational Laziness. 2003. ©Philippe Ramette.
3. Irrational Laziness. 2003. ©Philippe Ramette. Photographer: Marc Domage. Courtesy of galerie xippas.
(This article was originally published in French. Please scroll down to read the English translation.)
菲臘.哈密特是當今藝壇最著名、最原創的法國藝術家之一。他1961年出生,現時在巴黎居住並從事創作。他的早期作品出現於1990年代初,那時他剛完成尼斯法國當代藝術學校(V i l l a A r s o n)的課程,在藝術學校攻讀期間他已開始創作一些造工精巧細緻的工藝品和物件, 從中已流露出一些他現時仍然採用的創作風格:幽默、嘲諷、恐懼、有時又揶揄諷刺,但最主要是讓藝術得以發揮作用。
十年前, 他應香港法國文化協會邀請,來港製作《露台二》,那是一場奇妙非凡、充滿哲理、極度詩意的行為藝術表演。那次演出的照片曾在世界各地發表。他身穿整齊的黑色西裝,站在木製的露台上,而整個露台連同他自己橫向漂浮在維多利亞港的海面上,他令我們對世界展開嶄新視野,打破理性慣例,從他的角度眺望著繁忙海港之上,覆蓋著這大城市的一片天空。
哈密特利用將影像倒轉的方法或以自己的身體作示範來親身體驗現實和挑戰地心吸力。是次展覽所展示的36個裝置行為藝術全部真實無偽,每一幀照片都是經過長時間的策劃和籌備工作所得出來的成果, 完全沒有經過任何數碼處理。
菲臘.哈密特獨來獨往,走遍海洋、沙漠、高山、海底,挑戰地心吸力和邏輯,以冥想的姿態仔細觀察這個世界。他的作品〝邀請人們體驗失重、沉思和墮下等感覺〞。他性格穩重、冷靜,不乏辛辣機智,加上對藝術和人類處境思考深刻,遂躋身當代偉大藝術家之列, 與杜象、達達和米肖等一脈相承,且帶有冷門笑匠Buster Keaton的風格。
哈密特是位一絲不苟、同時淘氣不羈的思想家, 注重語言的辭面意義,把我們從理性推向非理性。哲學家 Michel Onfray 認為菲臘.哈密特是一位道德家,可媲美作家波德萊爾(Baudelaire)筆下的Dandy。
Philippe Ramette is one of the best known and most original French artists on the contemporary art scene today. Born in 1961, he lives and works in Paris. His first works made their debut in the early 1990s, following completion of his studies at Villa Arson, in Nice, where he began to make unusual art installations which were a mix of ingenious do-it-yourself crafts and delicately constructed objects. The themes that form the basis of his artistic approach were already present in these early works: humour, edginess, fear, irony, at times derisiveness, but also how art, in the truest sense of the word, comes into being.
When he was invited by the Alliance Française ten years ago, he created "Le Balcon 2" (The Balcony 2) in Hong Kong - an extraordinary performance which was all at once unusual, philosophical and highly poetic, the image of which appeared in the world press. Impeccably dressed in a black suit, he crossed the Hong Kong Bay in a wooden balcony floating horizontally on the South China Sea, giving us a new outlook on the world and an irrational perception of the sky over this megalopolis.
By using a process of image reversal and his own body as the object of the demonstration, the artist challenges reality and defies the law of gravity. Each of the 36 installations and performances represented in the exhibition are real, require extensive preparation and produce photographs that are neither retouched nor the result of digital manipulation.
Philippe Ramette scours the world alone - seas, deserts, mountains, seabed - carefully observing it and placing himself in meditative positions which defy gravity and logic. His work is "an invitation to experiment: with weightlessness, with perception, with falling”. Discreet and seemingly unflappable, he is endowed with a devastating wit, combining profound thinking on art and the human condition and making him one of the greatest contemporary artists, in the same vein as Duchamp, Dada and Michaux, and with a touch of Buster Keaton.
Ramette is a meticulous and mischievous thinker who takes language literally and makes us sway from the rational to the irrational. He gives words their full power, he literally puts them into practice, turning them into everyday objects of our political, social or intimate world whose titles indicate implacably the function and reveal much about man: Modules to structure the crowds, word canon, reproduction table, dignity prosthesis, thought stand... The philosopher Michel Onfray sees him as both a moralist and a true Baudelaire’s Dandy.
First published in Paroles March- April 2011:
1. Balcon 2, 2001 (HK). ©Philippe Ramette. Color photograph. Photographer: Marc Domage. Courtesy of galerie xippas.
2. Irrational Laziness. 2003. ©Philippe Ramette.
3. Irrational Laziness. 2003. ©Philippe Ramette. Photographer: Marc Domage. Courtesy of galerie xippas.
(This article was originally published in French. Please scroll down to read the English translation.)
菲臘.哈密特是當今藝壇最著名、最原創的法國藝術家之一。他1961年出生,現時在巴黎居住並從事創作。他的早期作品出現於1990年代初,那時他剛完成尼斯法國當代藝術學校(V i l l a A r s o n)的課程,在藝術學校攻讀期間他已開始創作一些造工精巧細緻的工藝品和物件, 從中已流露出一些他現時仍然採用的創作風格:幽默、嘲諷、恐懼、有時又揶揄諷刺,但最主要是讓藝術得以發揮作用。
十年前, 他應香港法國文化協會邀請,來港製作《露台二》,那是一場奇妙非凡、充滿哲理、極度詩意的行為藝術表演。那次演出的照片曾在世界各地發表。他身穿整齊的黑色西裝,站在木製的露台上,而整個露台連同他自己橫向漂浮在維多利亞港的海面上,他令我們對世界展開嶄新視野,打破理性慣例,從他的角度眺望著繁忙海港之上,覆蓋著這大城市的一片天空。
哈密特利用將影像倒轉的方法或以自己的身體作示範來親身體驗現實和挑戰地心吸力。是次展覽所展示的36個裝置行為藝術全部真實無偽,每一幀照片都是經過長時間的策劃和籌備工作所得出來的成果, 完全沒有經過任何數碼處理。
菲臘.哈密特獨來獨往,走遍海洋、沙漠、高山、海底,挑戰地心吸力和邏輯,以冥想的姿態仔細觀察這個世界。他的作品〝邀請人們體驗失重、沉思和墮下等感覺〞。他性格穩重、冷靜,不乏辛辣機智,加上對藝術和人類處境思考深刻,遂躋身當代偉大藝術家之列, 與杜象、達達和米肖等一脈相承,且帶有冷門笑匠Buster Keaton的風格。
哈密特是位一絲不苟、同時淘氣不羈的思想家, 注重語言的辭面意義,把我們從理性推向非理性。哲學家 Michel Onfray 認為菲臘.哈密特是一位道德家,可媲美作家波德萊爾(Baudelaire)筆下的Dandy。
Philippe Ramette is one of the best known and most original French artists on the contemporary art scene today. Born in 1961, he lives and works in Paris. His first works made their debut in the early 1990s, following completion of his studies at Villa Arson, in Nice, where he began to make unusual art installations which were a mix of ingenious do-it-yourself crafts and delicately constructed objects. The themes that form the basis of his artistic approach were already present in these early works: humour, edginess, fear, irony, at times derisiveness, but also how art, in the truest sense of the word, comes into being.
When he was invited by the Alliance Française ten years ago, he created "Le Balcon 2" (The Balcony 2) in Hong Kong - an extraordinary performance which was all at once unusual, philosophical and highly poetic, the image of which appeared in the world press. Impeccably dressed in a black suit, he crossed the Hong Kong Bay in a wooden balcony floating horizontally on the South China Sea, giving us a new outlook on the world and an irrational perception of the sky over this megalopolis.
By using a process of image reversal and his own body as the object of the demonstration, the artist challenges reality and defies the law of gravity. Each of the 36 installations and performances represented in the exhibition are real, require extensive preparation and produce photographs that are neither retouched nor the result of digital manipulation.
Philippe Ramette scours the world alone - seas, deserts, mountains, seabed - carefully observing it and placing himself in meditative positions which defy gravity and logic. His work is "an invitation to experiment: with weightlessness, with perception, with falling”. Discreet and seemingly unflappable, he is endowed with a devastating wit, combining profound thinking on art and the human condition and making him one of the greatest contemporary artists, in the same vein as Duchamp, Dada and Michaux, and with a touch of Buster Keaton.
Ramette is a meticulous and mischievous thinker who takes language literally and makes us sway from the rational to the irrational. He gives words their full power, he literally puts them into practice, turning them into everyday objects of our political, social or intimate world whose titles indicate implacably the function and reveal much about man: Modules to structure the crowds, word canon, reproduction table, dignity prosthesis, thought stand... The philosopher Michel Onfray sees him as both a moralist and a true Baudelaire’s Dandy.
First published in Paroles March- April 2011:
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