Archived Reviews
August 2018
莫昭如 Augustine MOK Chiu Yu
請沿虛線撦開:短評《In & Out》
黃小燕 Phoebe WONG
宇宙中兩種量度方法 | Two Measures of Our Universe
約翰百德 John BATTEN
How heavy is the night
鄭秀慧Vennes CHENG
始於欣賞,終於相忘 — 談〈邂逅!山川人〉
袁嘉駿 Fizen YUEN
Current Reviews
Sarah & Samuel: A Contemporary Portrait of Intimacy by Daniel Ho |-
Paul Cézanne and the work of other artists – as viewed from the perspective of twenty-first century Hong Kong |David CLARKE
video |John BATTEN
video |John BATTEN
Modernist Wah Fu Estate |John BATTEN
Group show |John BATTEN
Sarah & Samuel: A Contemporary Portrait of Intimacy by Daniel Ho |-
Paul Cézanne and the work of other artists – as viewed from the perspective of twenty-first century Hong Kong |David CLARKE
video |John BATTEN
video |John BATTEN
Modernist Wah Fu Estate |John BATTEN
Group show |John BATTEN
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of AICAHK.