在港驟見貝聿銘的中銀大廈 Impressions of I.M. Pei's Bank of China Tower seen in Hong Kong
約翰百德 (John BATTEN)
at 5:38pm on 31st July 2024
(Originally published in Artomity magazine (Summer, 2024), John Batten finds 'impressions' of the Bank of China Tower throughout Hong Kong - this expanded photo-essay gives another perspective of the building and the current M+ exhibition of I.M. Pei's architecture. Photo captions are in English only) (原文刊載於《藝源》夏季期刊。約翰百德從中銀大廈尋找香港的「印象」——這影像式論文為這座建築及近期M+貝聿銘回顧展提供另一種角度。圖片說明只供英文。)
Images above (and also see further images below) 上方圖片,由最上到下方左至右:
(1) John Batten: Impressions of the Bank of China Tower, seen in Hong Kong/Structural scaffolding on the street as a man walks by, Shek Tong Tsui, Hong Kong, 13 July 2024. 約翰百德:在香港看到的中銀大廈的印象。一名男士在鋼鷹架行過。攝於石塘嘴,香港。2024年7月13日。
(2) John Batten: Impressions of the Bank of China Tower, seen in Hong Kong// Bamboo scaffolding in front of shop, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, 3 August 2024. 約翰百德:在香港看到的中銀大廈的印象。在店舖前的竹棚。攝於上環,香港。2024年8月3日。
(3) John Batten: Impressions of the Bank of China Tower, seen in Hong Kong// Shadow of bamboo scaffolding Steel scaffolding, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, 3 August 2024. 約翰百德:在香港看到的中銀大廈的印象。竹棚的影子。攝於上環,香港。2024年8月3日。
(4) John Batten: Impressions of the Bank of China Tower, seen in Hong Kong// Bamboo scaffolding in front of shop, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, 3 August 2024. 約翰百德:在香港看到的中銀大廈的印象。在店舖前的竹棚。攝於上環,香港。2024年8月3日。
by John Batten
The large retrospective exhibition devoted to the Chinese-American architect I.M. Pei (1917-2019) organised by Hong Kong’s M+ museum motivated me to look again at his Bank of China Tower in Central. Built on the site of Murray House, the former officers’ quarters of the British Army at Murray Barracks, its location, surrounded by major roads and on a sloping site, was described at the time of construction as “difficult”.
貝聿銘:人生如建築 香港M+博物館 2024年6月29日起
If there were initial spatial restrictions, these are not obvious now. The tower has good ground-level pedestrian access and an imposing presence, with an architectural height of 315 metres; together with its two distinctive antenna masts, the building’s total height is 367 metres. The tower’s height impressively overwhelms the tight site and reaches upwards to overshadow lower adjacent buildings. Working with long-time structural engineering collaborator Leslie E Robertson (1928-2021), I.M. Pei developed the building’s form from four steel corner columns, onto which its weight transfers from its distinctive triangular/diamond framework. The building’s great height and angular appearance give it great presence that fits perfectly into Hong Kong island’s mountain-backed and harbourfronted urban topography.
However, the Bank of China Tower does not dominate Hong Kong like some tall buildings and structures in other cities – such as the Taipei 101 tower in Taiwan. The building backs onto The Peak, and it is this landscape and orientation, with mountains and other high-rise buildings running through Hong Kong island, that blocks views of the tower from even nearby locales, such as Sheung Wan and Happy Valley. The tower has a stronger presence when viewed from Kowloon, especially from higher elevations.
Alternatively, we do see tracings of the Bank of China Tower throughout Hong Kong. The building’s form is a universal structural strengthening solution. Bamboo and ground steel-support scaffolding is seen throughout the city, and whether it’s a big or small job, crossbracing using triangle, diamond or X formations can be seen on all scaffolding work. Cross-hatching is also seen on road markings and signage: a practical graphic design element used on the city’s streets. Nonchalantly placed objects encountered on the street, such as ladders, warning tape and mirrored reflections, also often give impressions of the Bank of China Tower.
I have photographed many reminders and impressions of the Bank of China Tower from around Hong Kong. A selection of these impressions can be seen in the photographs below and on the Artomity magazine website. I.M. Pei’s life work can be seen at M+ until the end of 2024.
I.M. Pei: Life is Architecture, M+ museum, Hong Kong, 29 June 2024 – ongoing
香港M+博物館舉辦的美籍華裔建築師貝聿銘(1917-2019年)大型回顧展促使我開始重新審視他設計的中環中銀大廈。大廈建在美利樓的舊址上(原美利兵房的英國陸軍 軍官宿舍),四周被主幹道環繞, 地勢傾斜,建造時被認為「困難重重」。
當初的這些空間束縛,現在已不再明顯。如今,大廈氣勢恢宏,在地面擁有便捷的行人通道,建築本身高度為315米,加上兩根獨特的天線杆,使得整體達到367米。如此的高度在這密集區域中展現出壓倒性的氣勢,高聳入雲遮蔽了鄰近的低矮建築。貝聿銘與長期合作的結構工程師萊斯利·羅伯森(1928- 2021年)一起,將大樓架構建立在四根鋼角柱之上,其獨特的三角形/ 菱形框架將大樓的重力荷載轉移至這四根鋼柱上。大廈壯觀的高度和棱角分明的外觀使得其與港島背山面海的都市地形完美融合。
不過,中銀大廈的痕跡在全港到處可見。其建築外形採用的是普遍的結構加固方案,香港遍佈竹棚和地面鋼棚。無論大小工程,所有棚架上都能看到類似的三角形、菱形或 X形的交叉支撐;此外,在路標和標識上也能看到交叉劃線:這是一 種城市街道中非常實用的圖形設計項目。還有一些街上隨處可見的物品,如梯子、警示帶和鏡面反射,也常常能讓人想到中銀大廈。
貝聿銘:人生如建築 香港M+博物館 2024年6月29日起
A further selection of photographs - Impressions of I.M. Pei's Bank of China Tower seen in Hong Kong:
John Batten: Impressions of the Bank of China Tower, seen in Hong Kong// A triangular structure marking the boundary of the Sham Shui Po District Council, across from the Garden Bakery clocktower, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, Hong Kong, 13 July 2024.
John Batten: Impressions of the Bank of China Tower, seen in Hong Kong)// Shadow on pavement, Central, Hong Kong, 21 June 2024.
John Batten: Impressions of the Bank of China Tower, seen in Hong Kong// Victoria Harbour with crane in front of M+ museum with Bank of China Tower in distance, West Kowloon, Hong Kong, 16 June 2024.
John Batten: Impressions of the Bank of China Tower, seen in Hong Kong// Ladders in a laneway, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong, 23 June 2024.
John Batten: Impressions of the Bank of China Town, seen in Hong Kong// The Bank of China Tower reflected in the Police Headquarters building, taken on a moving tram, Admiralty, Hong Kong, 12 July 2024.
John Batten: Impressions of the Bank of China Tower, seen in Hong Kong// The top of the Bank of China Tower seen through a rainy-day window at the Hong Kong Arts Centre, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, 14 June 2024.
John Batten: Impressions of the Bank of China Tower, seen in Hong Kong// Sheung Wan Municipal Services building, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, 10 June 2024
John Batten: Impressions of the Bank of China Tower, seen in Hong Kong// Bamboo scaffolding in laneway, Shek Tong Tsui, Hong Kong, 27 May 2024
John Batten: Impressions of the Bank of China Tower, seen in Hong Kong// Tram tracks and painted grid pattern on roadway, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, 23 June 2024
John Batten: Impressions of the Bank of China Tower, seen in Hong Kong// Wire security screen on overpass, looking towards the former Wan Chai Police Station wrapped during renovation, and a road-side palm tree, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, 24 July 2024.
John Batten: Impressions of the Bank of China Tower, seen in Hong Kong// Bamboo scaffolding and shadow, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, 24 June 2024.
John Batten: Impressions of the Bank of China Tower, seen in Hong Kong// Bamboo scaffolding, trolley and shirtless man walking in shadow, dried seafood district, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, 24 June 2024.
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