Invited Writers
This new section on the AICAHK website supports young Hong Kong writers. The latest articles by invited writers are below. Other articles by invited writers can be read by clicking on the 'Archive' year and month on the side-bar.
October 2020
劉君宇 (Virginia LIU)
現實中的虛幻: Tamas Waliczky帶我從古埃及到他的威尼斯雙年展 | Life as ‘ignis fatuus’: The Voyage with Tamas Waliczky from Ancient Egypt to the Venice Biennial
劉清華 (Jess Ching-wa LAU)
喘息於不可抗力 – 鍾正《不宜呼吸》
吉暝水 (Grace GUT)
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of AICAHK.