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AICAHK Newsletter - September/October 2024 每月通訊 - 2024年9/10月

at 12:06pm on 30th September 2024

Welcome to the Hong Kong art critics' newsletter. (中文內容請見下文)


Around Hong Kong, new exhibitions featuring Hong Kong artists include: Livy Leung at Gallery Exit; Yeung Hok Tak at Kiang Malingue; Tang Kwong San at Galerie de Monde (gdm); and, Chow Chun Fai at Tang Contemporary Art. Also: pioneering Nepalese modernist writer & artist Lain Singh Bangdel (1919–2002) at Rossi & Rossi; Japanese/New York artist Taro Masushio at Empty Gallery; and, painter Margaux Ogden at White Cube.

The 75th Anniversary of the foundation of the PRC is this Tuesday, 1 October 2024 - and Hong Kong's public buildings are festooned with flags, even inside museums. Surely, coinciding with the anniversary as soft/strategic marketing is an Andy Warhol Mao on the cover of this month''s Gagosian gallery magazine*. The article written by the gallery's Jessica Beck discusses this series of work. Warhol completed four series (at different sizes/colours) of Mao silkscreen/paintings immediately after U.S. President Richard Nixon''s 1972 visit to China - continuing a series of work depicting famous people.


Read our latest reviews and flashback articles with links below. 


On social media, AICAHK's Instagram account is @aica_hk - and we have upgraded the AICAHK website's security, the URL is slightly changed - please update if you have it bookmarked!


Please enjoy!


John Batten

Art critic, Hong Kong


*Gagosian magazine cover image: Andy Warhol, Mao, 1972 (detail), acrylic, silkscreen ink, and pencil on linen, 447x345.1cm, copyright The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Arts, Inc/ARS, New York





在香港各區,以香港藝術家為主的最新展覽有:梁凱雅(安全口)、楊學德(馬凌畫廊)、鄧廣燊(爍樂畫廊),和周俊輝(當代唐人藝術中心)。同時在Rossi & Rossi 有尼泊爾當代藝術先鋒兼作家Lain Singh Bangdel(1919-2002)、Empty Gallery有居住於美國的日本藝術家增鹽太朗,和白立方Margaux Ogden


本年度十月一日星期二是中華人民共和國成立75週年,香港到處都掛滿了國旗,連博物館內也有。高古軒畫廊季刊以安迪·沃荷《毛澤東》為封面,與這個紀念日同時出現, 成為軟策略式行銷。當年沃荷在美國前總統尼克遜1972年訪華後創作了四個不同尺寸和顏色的《毛澤東》絲網印刷系列——沃荷繼續他的名人創作。
















Bruce Nauman: An Artist''s Artist / John Batten

布魯斯.瑙曼:藝術家中的藝術家/ 約翰伯德

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‘Expressionists’ and ‘Now you see us’: two Tate exhibitions during the summer of 2024 / David Clarke

兩場在泰特的夏季的展覽「Expressionists」和「Now you see us」/ 祈大衛

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Resonance Islands - Linkshouse Orkney Arts Residency / Wong Ka Ying

島島共鳴 - 藝術家駐留有感/ 黃嘉瀛

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Flashback - past reviews and commentary

回顧 - 過往藝評與回應



A Childlike Trip to Lantau / John Batten

大嶼山童心之旅/ 約翰伯德

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''Why are We Still Looking at Andy Warhol?'' / Eva Kit Wah MAN

為什麼還要看安迪.華荷?/ 文潔華

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A Brief Discussion on Digital Exhibition – Post-Human Narratives) / Hoi Lin

談線上後人類敘事-賽伯格、邊界、處境展覽/ Hoi Lin

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